The Best Guitar Amp Plugin for Blues
Throughout the years I’ve always experimented with Guitar Amp plugins and they have come a long way from when I first started using them back in 2006. Although many of them can sound great, they seem to lack ...
My Squier Affinity Makeover Project
A couple of weeks ago I found a pretty nice Squier Affinity Strat for only $119 so thought I would pick it up. I’ve been wanting a cheap Strat for a while now to show people that you ...
The Many Guitar Tones of Eric Clapton
[ Updated February 2020 ] Eric Clapton is not only one of my favorite guitarists, but he has also been a big influence on the way I approach my guitar tone. Through the years he has created a ...
Fender 1979 Twin Reverb Makeover
That old Fender Twin Reverb that I have has been sitting in a corner for years now not being used. It’s a great amp with unbelievable headroom. It is a 1979 after further investigation. I originally thought that ...
1966 Fender Vibrolux Replacement Speaker Shootout
For some time now my 1966 Fender Vibrolux has been developing what is called “Cone Cry”. It’s more pronounced when using humbucker guitars, and after experiencing it a lot more lately, I decided to set out on a ...
What Does a Warm Tone Even Mean!
The Merriam Webster Dictionary defines warm as: having or giving out heat to a moderate or adequate degree This doesn’t make much sense when applying it to your guitar tone does it. In fact here are some more ...
How to Set Your Guitar Amp for Blues
This could be the most asked question on the Internet in the Guitar Area. I know I’ve received this question of “How Do I Set My Guitar Amp for Blues”, quite a few times and every time I ...
How to Know When to Use Different Overdrive Pedals
If you play guitar, then there is no doubt that you have a few overdrive or distortion pedals. These pedals can have a wide variety of sounds that will allow you to achieve almost any tone you can ...
Tone Checklist: Are You Missing Anything?
In this blog post I want to help you understand what actually goes into getting a great tone, so you can find that elusive sound you’re looking for. It’s one of the biggest topics found on many guitar ...
Which is More Important for Tone? The Guitar or Amp
Someone made a comment on one of my YouTube videos the other day saying this: Lets be honest, a wet fart would sound good through that amp, let alone any guitar!! Well, that’s a pretty harsh statement, but ...
Distortion is Killing Your Tone!
I would say that almost every other day I get an email asking about the best amp settings. It’s really hard to say what is going to work for every individual because so many factors come into play ...
How I Learned about Guitar Tone, The Hard Way
Getting a good guitar tone is one of the most talked about subjects in the guitar realm on the internet in my opinion. Everyday you can find people discussing amps, guitars, strings, cables and many other components of ...
How to Get an Allman Brothers Guitar Tone
In this post I’m going to show you how I got a tone to similar to what Derek Trucks, Duane Allman, Warren Haynes, or Dickey Betts might use when playing over an Elizabeth Reed or Jessica style jam. ...