Podcast 22 – Rhythmic Shuffle Solo in E


  1. Just felt like telling you one of the really nice things about your web site is you keep improving
    the features, things like the blues filter etc. Actually belong to a few sites but yours is the BEST.
    I still struggle a little with some of your instruction as I have only played 3 years and feel most
    of your members must be more seasoned players than me. Solos like the BB King is greatly appreciated
    as is within my ability to learn. Have been a very happy access member since day one.

  2. hi John – hope you are well?, I joined up a while ago and you continue to teach stuff I stay up late learning so thanks for that!! I like to use transcribe to learn parts, can you add a play through MP3? that way I can slow it down and get the timing right?

    • Thanks! All Access Pass subscribers have access to the Soundslice version which will give you slow mo and looping. If you are a member you should already see this on the site.

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