Roll Down the River EP Preview

This is a very exciting time for myself as I have been working on my new EP entitled Roll Down the River for several months now and it’s about finished.

Since 2007 I had completely stopped writing any material because I have been so busy creating video guitar lessons.  Creating these video lessons has become my Full Time Job and so it makes sense that it would take the full focus of my time.

Frankly, creating video lessons takes a lot of time and effort and after putting so much time into these lessons, the last thing on my mind is writing songs.  Running an online business in addition to this can be very time consuming leading to many 10-12 hour days.

Alas, I have really felt the need to put my some of my experiences in song form lately and I have made time to make this happen.  This meant that I would often work as many as  12-15 hours a day in some cases to keep my business afloat as well as put out these songs.  I must say it has been totally worth it though!  To hear these songs come to life has been a dream come true that was just a small thought back on the night of December 31st 2012.

This previous New Years Eve 2012 was one of the worst experiences I have ever had.  I won’t go into the details, but as I laid there that night in my bed way past midnight, I felt very alone, confused and depressed about how my life was currently going.

At that moment I grabbed a small notebook and a pen I kept in my nightstand and started writing down some Goals for 2013. One of these goals was to write and record an EP of my original music. I didn’t know how it would happen, but I was sure this was the year to do it.

At this point I hadn’t even met Taylor yet who ended up singing lead and helped tremendously with the songs. He has also become a really good friend of mine in the process.  This was also before I had any of these songs written, but I knew it was something I HAD to do.

Writing down these goals gave me a sense of purpose for 2013 and I started feeling better about how this year would eventually play out.

To be honest, this year has been tough with a capital T.  But as time has progressed, I feel like a warrior who has done battle and now as I look across the battlefield there are blue skies and sunshine ahead.  And, that mighty river I’m ready to roll on down. :)

Preview all 6 tunes below

Thanks for checking it out. Roll Down the River EP is now available here

– John

20 thoughts on “Roll Down the River EP Preview”

  1. Great Job John! Keep up the good work and keep your spirits high.
    You are very talented player and a very gifted teacher. You have helped a lot of people.
    Thanks for all the Great lessons.


  2. John,

    Sounds great! How will be able to purchase it once released? Thanks for sharing and keep on keeping on, brother.

  3. Great job, John!!! Lots of emotion and soul and killer tone. Can’t wait to add it to my collection. Keep your spirits up and your guitar slung low!

  4. very cool tunes John, glad you got the time to record them. thanks for the preview and as always the great lessons. Cheers

  5. oh yeah, very nice! Loved the Ry Cooder vibe on the first tune. Tasty…

    Glad this year is turning around for you



  6. Simply great!!!!

    I can wait to get the the full version of your EP…

    I have an idea for your “Play Like” series………..

    “Play Like John W. Tuggle”….I’m a buyer, you’re a true inspiration

    God Bless You!

  7. I too want you EP
    I have your Early Slide & Blues series
    I know you will be blessed through you recent trial
    Your Silent Night was Beautiful
    Can only imagine how you could do
    How Great Is Our God & Amazing Grace

    Bless You My Brother


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